Friday, August 5, 2011

Journals, Reminding us of who we really are and are where we came from

So I have been thinking again. . . . . . . lol. . . no but seriously I write in my journal every so often, but I dont right my daily experiences or sorrows or trials or anything like that, instead I fill my journals with letters to my daugthers about the many things they are doing in their lives right now, their accomplishments, their funny actions and words, their personalities, likes and dislikes, and mostly I express to them the love that I have for them as their mother, and how they are my greatest joy! 

I first got interested in journals when my nana (my grandma or aka my moms mother we called her Nana) she passed away when I was four, and sadly enough I have only two or three memories of her but she was a dedicated journal writer and left behind a couple of large journals filled with years of her daily experiences of her life.  Joys, Sorrows, Births, Deaths, her Testimony, Her daily fight with cancer and battling through that while being a wife, a mother, a grandmother, a strong leader in her church callings, a woman who served endlessley and loved endlessy and dedicated her life to her family and gospel and serving others. In the end the radiation treatment from the cancer became too much and sadley took her life much to early.  But through reading her journals I have a better idea of who my nana was, and what a remarkable life she lived.  With out her journals I would not have learned in so much detail in her own heartfelt words what experiences touched her the most.  I am so grateful for her dedication in keeping a journal faithfully!

My second experience with Journals that had a significant impact on me was after I married my husband Jeff.  When he was just 13 his mother passed away also from cancer.  At such a young age to loose your mother, and have so much lifes struggles ahead of him, I can only imagine his heartache and loss.  Luckily for him, His sweet mother left behing a journal just for Jeff.  Only this journal was different.  It was filled with experiences she had with Jeff and her love for him as her son and the miracle it was to have him as they thought she could not have any more children.  This really touched me because I dont think she realized how early she would leave this life, but she was prepared in reassuring her children of the love she had for them, which was so needed when things in Jeffs life drastically and quickly changed following her death.  So that is where my idea came from.  My plan is to keep a journal of all these fun things and my love for them and when they turn 16 I will give it to them on their 16 birthday, and if something (God forbid) happens to me before then, I pray that they can use these journals I have been keeping to always be assured of how much their mother loved them and how special they are and more importantly who they really are, beautiful daughters of our heavenly father and his constant love and guidance he gives. 

So with that being said, I have been debating on whether or not to transfer all of my journal entries onto a file in my computer also, so incase they can not read my handwriting, cause it really is not good, then they can have a back up source to read the words I have written.  Of course I believe that real handwriting is so much more personal and means so much more. So While I am considering what to do with that, I thought I would share a few of my journal entries to my daughters.   I will not share everything I wrote and all because some things are just to much from the heart to be taken lightly and shared with even other loved family members or friends, I believe that somethings are just written with so much emotion and love that they are only intended to be read for the reciptant and not to be shared with others, so if some of these that I copy or not too clear, then I probably am leaving out a few things. . . . . but I dont know cause on the other hand, I want the whole world to know how much I love my girls, I could just shout it from the rooftops all day and night just how much they mean to me. . . . . . okay you get the idea so here we go. . . . . .

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